news from me: Today's Video Link (Mel Blanc and Jack Benny)

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news from me: Today's Video Link (Mel Blanc and Jack Benny)

An appearance by the Man of a Million Voices and the world's greatest deadpan comedian on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, January 23, 1974. Benny's in the guest chair, but the focus is on Blanc as he does some of his classic sound effects, like Jack Benny's ancient Maxwell car and the English horse.

Mark Evanier writes: "Benny was... a wonderful audience and utterly unthreatened by someone else getting the laughs or the spotlight. That was one of the reasons his radio and TV programs worked as well as they did.... As long as somebody got a laugh, Benny was fine with it.... There have been a lot of great comedians who wouldn't do that because they thought -- wrongly -- that their career hinged on them being the funny one. And not even the example of Jack Benny would dissuade them from that belief. There have also been some comedians who for emotional reasons couldn't stand still while someone else was funny. But Jack Benny could and did...and no one was more successful. Click and see."


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