Oil Is Mastery

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Oil Is Mastery

A blog devoted to the theory of the abiogenic origin of petroleum -- the idea that hydrocarbons aren't really "fossil fuels" after all.


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Anaconda said:

Abiotic oil has the potential of being a "game changer" for energy in the 21st century.

There is much more oil available than currently believed. But that is changing. Brazil's oil company Petrobas recently contracted the use of 80% of the ultra-deepwater, deep-drilling rigs (Max. 12,000 feet under water, Max. 40,000 feet total depth) currently available. This speaks to a supply and production breakthrough. This Breakthrough was signalled by the announcement of the Corioca oil discovery, with initial estimates of 33 billion barrels of oil, the third largest ever.

A pearl necklace of oil down the lovely coast of Brazil.

Keep an eye on the blog, Oil Is Mastery. Oil Is Mastery is at the cutting edge of petroleum science and production potential today.



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