On masculinity and the War on Poverty | WashingtonExaminer.com

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On masculinity and the War on Poverty | WashingtonExaminer.com

"That there are dramatically fewer men willing and able to safeguard family prosperity is perhaps America's greatest -- and most unrecognized -- problem.

"Consider Sunday's 'Shattering the Glass Ceiling' discussion on ABC's 'This Week.' Lamenting unrealized opportunities and unsolved problems when 'women aren't fully utilized,' businesswoman Carly Fiorina and co-panelists were oblivious about two key facts.

"First, two times more men than women aged 25-34 languish in their parents' basement far below the glass ceiling, according to U.S. Census data. Second, women now outperform men in nearly every measure of social, academic and vocational well-being."

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