Daughters of Unloving Mothers: 7 Common Wounds | Psychology Today

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Daughters of Unloving Mothers: 7 Common Wounds | Psychology Today

"The unloved daughter doesn't know that she is loveable or worthy of attention; she may have grown up feeling ignored or unheard or criticized at every turn. The voice in her head is that of her mother's, telling her what she isn't (smart, beautiful, kind, loving, worthy). Her accomplishments and talents will continue to be undermined by that internalized maternal voice, unless there is some kind of intervention. Daughters sometimes talk about feeling that they are 'fooling people' and express fear that they'll be 'found out' when they enjoy success in the world....

"When I was a child, my mother held me back by focusing on my flaws, never my accomplishments.   After college, I had a number of jobs but, at every one, my bosses complained that I wasn't pushing hard enough to try to grow.  It was only then that I realized that I was limiting myself, adopting my mother's view of me in the world."



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