Hughes's TNR Makeover Is The Obama Administration In Miniature : The Other McCain

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Hughes's TNR Makeover Is The Obama Administration In Miniature : The Other McCain

Chris "Smitty" Smith ponders leftist angst over the planned dumbing-down of The New Republic:

"I just love it when these Progressives get all emotional about the destruction of institutions. Given that this has been their stock in trade since the Summer of Love, culminating in six years of #OccupyResoluteDesk making a total cock-up of the Presidency, one is left to wonder why the Lefties can't just enjoy their liberation from 'intellectual substance.' This is another suck-is-the-new-cool call from the manor house down to the the peasants working the fields. Dig it, lackeys.

"Progressivism is not a creative movement. It is the combustion of traditional, positive, moral values in a propaganda machine for the production of political power. Once all of the moral values of the culture have been burned, Progress will generally collapse into the kind of thuggery most recently seen in Ferguson, MO."

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