Ben Carson Has It | The American Spectator

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Ben Carson Has It | The American Spectator

"Carson is presidential material -- in fact the most plausible president among the front runners.

"In a long and grueling campaign he has shown patience, adamantine dignity, a thorough grasp of the issues. He has remained calm under fire.

"He has answered the objection that he lacks political experience: the campaign has salted him there, and in any event, the professional politicians in the race have not shown themselves any more competent.

"His astonishing early life and career are adequate testimony to his splendid intellect and, most important of all, to his strength of character. No one can read of his early life without being staggered at the obstacles he overcame on the path to high achievement.

"Unlike Obama's ridiculous Nobel Prize, Carson's rewards have been earned. His life story, unlike that of many contemporary leaders, is a testament to what can be accomplished by sheer willpower.

"In a Western world led by political featherweights he offers gravitas and as fundamental seriousness of purpose.

"Though it is a relatively minor matter, in his first speech that I heard I was struck by his comparison of the gargantuan rewards offered to sports stars and rock musicians as against those offered science 'geeks' from school days onwards. It was, early in the piece, an example of brave and necessary iconoclasm, a real and needed assault on a destructive sacred cow...."


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