Polygamy argument shouldn't be dismissed - and I speak from experience

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Polygamy argument shouldn't be dismissed - and I speak from experience --
Brisbane Times

"I can speak on the subject of polygamy with some degree of understanding.  My Chinese grandfather had two wives at the same time, although only one - my grandmother - was allowed into Australia.  It was only after my grandmother's death that my "second grandmother" was able to migrate to Australia.  It has touched my extended family deeply.

"Whilst I honour and love my grandfather deeply, what he did was selfish and unfair on those subsequent generations who have had to live with the consequences.  My family is proof that love alone is not sufficient justification for marriage.

"Around the world, polygamy is accepted in 58 countries; far more than allow same-sex marriage.  It is even practised in our near neighbours of Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.  I can confidently predict that if we allow same-sex marriage then there will eventually be a demand that polygamy be legalised too.  Do we really want that?...

"If the current debate was all about love, and only love, there wouldn't be a debate.  The reason there is a debate is that a change to the marriage laws will fundamentally alter the shape of Australian society.

"That is why, like millions of other Australians, I shall be voting 'no'."


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