Is Yale Elite If Its English Majors Don't Read Shakespeare?

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Is Yale Elite If Its English Majors Don't Read Shakespeare? - The Federalist - Joy Pullman

"Yes, something is definitely wrong when students are so racist that they will not listen to the ideas of someone who had the misfortune to be born with a currently non-politically favored skin color. It's also prima facie preposterous to assert that someone can be considered well-educated if he has actively shunned reading Shakespeare. Instead of rebuking their students for this shocking display of ignorance, however, Yale administrators and faculty encouraged it and complied with their demands....

"The fact that a core curriculum of any real substance no longer exists at the United States' so-called prestige universities, and is neither desired by many so-called elite students nor professors, suggests it's time we stop venerating and sending our kids and tax dollars to these institutions whose main function seems to be rotting students' brains and American society from its leadership down."



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