On the Day They Shoot Me Down in My Pew | Lori Stanley Roeleveld . . . Disturber of Hobbits

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On the Day They Shoot Me Down in My Pew | Lori Stanley Roeleveld . . . Disturber of Hobbits

"If you add anything to your day, days already filled with the work God has put before you as you follow Him in faith, if you add anything that day - pray for our young men. Check in with one you know. Get to know one you don't. Support a ministry reaching this struggling, searching, agonizing generation.

"If they reject you, pray and redouble your efforts. Try again. These young men are worth our love and every attempt to reach them in the moments of their pain and anger and sorrow.

"And then, on the day I am shot down in God's house in my hometown, I want you to gather in yours.

"Turn up the lights, throw open the windows and doors.

"Let the enemy know that where one is fallen more will rise. Where one light is sent on to glory, another will be set aglow.

"Where one heart that beats for Christ now sees Him face-to-face, another will begin to beat for Him anew."



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