Global News: March 2015 Archives

Dennis Prager: Americas Left-Wing Jews Are Ashamed of Israels Jews

"Left-wing Jews live, work, and socialize with left-wing non-Jews; and they believe that they are -- to their great regret -- identified with the Jewish state in the eyes of fellow leftists.... But with Israel's Jews repeatedly electing conservative governments, American Jews on the left believe that they must make it as clear as possible that they in no way support a right-wing Israel. Their moral self-esteem needs it and their left-wing credentials need it....

"The Left lives in John Lennon's song "Imagine." Thus, the Left imagines that if Israel completely withdrew from the West Bank and allowed a Palestinian state to be created now, it would be completely unlike Gaza and completely unlike Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Libya; it would be a peaceful Arab Muslim island in the midst of the cruel sea of Arab Muslim countries that surrounds it."