Politics::Election2008: April 2008 Archives

The Club for Growth: Why Sanford Is A Pro-Growth Star...

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford is willing to endorse primary challengers to incumbent Republican legislators: "I'm endorsing [Katrina Shealy] because she's an engaged conservative....Too often what we see are so-called RINO's, Republicans in name only, where somebody will carry the banner, but not walk the walk in pushing for that conservative philosophy." Had President Bush and the RNC been willing to do the same, 2006 might have turned out differently.

WSJ.com: While McCain Watches

Peggy Noonan's overview of the state of the Democratic presidential race includes this gem of an aside: "All first ladies, first spouses, should be like Denis Thatcher, slightly dazed, mildly inscrutable, utterly supportive. It is the only job in the world where 'seems slightly drugged' is a positive job qualification."

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Delegates to Dean: Make Us

The very, very limited power of national political parties is why the head of the DNC can't mandate an end to the Clinton/Obama contest: "...[T]he imposition of the Federal Elections Campaign Act (FECA) of 1972, and the 1974 amendments that limited the amount of money that candidates could collect from individuals... gave the national parties a new task - legal money laundering. This is their essential function today.... The powers of the state parties were handed over to candidates for office, not to the federal parties. The role of the parties now is essentially to serve the electoral needs of those candidates."

lgf: Saving America, One Gated Community At a Time

"The goal of Paulville.org it to establish gated communities containing 100% Ron Paul supporters and or people that live by the ideals of freedom and liberty." I'm reminded an article in The 80s: A Look Back about a town founded by famous libertarians that came to grief because no one would obey stop signs. One commenter offers them a place to get started: "Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a compound available near San Angelo, Texas right now! Move in condition! Must see!"