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Is Vic Regalado's campaign manager tampering with Luke Sherman's signs?

Luke Sherman for Tulsa County Sheriff has released surveillance video that they claim shows Aaron Brewer, campaign manager for recently elected Sheriff Vic Regalado, blocking the visibility of Sherman's yard signs by placing other signs before and behind them. This is an old, petty tactic. It's hard to believe that...

Remembering 9/11, 14 years on

I am late getting this put together, late taking my own time to remember the events of 14 years ago. Take a moment to remember University of Tulsa and Memorial High School graduate Jayesh Shah, who worked on the 103rd floor of the north tower for Cantor Fitzgerald, and to...

Readings on jihad and crusades

ADDED at the top because of its valuable info: Thomas F. Madden reviews The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam by Jonathan Riley-Smith On September 11, 2001, there were only a few professional historians of the Crusades in America. I was the one who was not retired. As a result, my phone...

Keeping the promise to the Pearl District

UPDATE 2012/04/03: The City of Tulsa Planning Department has issued a "policy analysis" of the Pearl District regulating plan, "a supplemental review of adopted plans of the City intended to provide the Planning Commission with a full understanding of the issues and policies created to address them." Attached at the...

Court: Nancy Rothman behavior contemptuous; notes false abuse reports, attempt to "setup" ex with child porn

An Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals decision provided to BatesLine reveals that Nancy Rothman, Republican candidate for Tulsa City Council District 2, lost custody of her minor children and was required to pay $70,099 of her ex-husband's court costs and attorney fees in the custody battle because she had been...

Democrats in key congressional races, part 3

Alan Grayson Alan Grayson Suzanne Kosmas Jim Marshall Debbie Halvorson Bill Foster Phil Hare Baron Hill Leonard Boswell Frank Kratovil Gary McDowell Mark Schauer Mike Ross Dennis Cardoza Christopher Murphy John Barrow Melissa Bean Bruce Braley Dave Loebsack John Yarmuth Chellie Pingree Tim Walz Russ Carnahan Rush Holt Carolyn McCarthy...

Survey says: PLANiTULSA, ABoT, Absolute Best Music Awards

You've got just six more days to respond to the PLANiTULSA "Which Way, Tulsa?" survey -- to express your opinion on the way Tulsa should grow over the next 25 years. Whether you prefer the Main Streets approach (Scenario B), "New Centers" (Scenario C), or "Centered City" (Scenario D), or...

Absolute Best of Tulsa: Last day for nominations!

The deadline is 5 pm today, May 21, to submit nominations for Urban Tulsa Weekly's 2009 Absolute Best of Tulsa poll. Based on readers' input, a runoff ballot will appear in the June 5 and 12 issues. The winners will be announced in the July 16 edition. There are a...

J. Wesley Bush, a long-standing friend of this blog, has launched a new website to bring together his world-ranging interests in one place. Bush is "an immigration historian, Russian linguist and East European area specialist," and as you might expect, his blog covers immigration policy and developments in the former...

Thanks, <em>UTW</em> readers!

Many thanks to the readers of Urban Tulsa Weekly who have, for the second year in a row, voted for me as Tulsa's Favorite Blogger in the Absolute Best of Tulsa readers' poll: Michael Bates, Urban Tulsa Weekly's own uber city news geek and pundit extraordinaire, is the man. With...

Absolute Best Blogger of Tulsa

Alas, I didn't have a sitter, so I had to miss out on Tuesday night's Absolute Best of Tulsa (ABoT) party at the Petroleum Club. I didn't find out until tonight, when I finally had a chance to pick up a copy of the latest issue, but I won an...

A blogroll snapshot

I am going to be pruning my blogroll over the next few weeks -- checking in with sites I don't visit as often nowadays, removing links to dead and zombie blogs, and synchronizing my blogroll with my Newsgator page. The plan is to take 10 at a time in the...

Condemning TU: University of Tulsa benefits from city's abuse of eminent domain

An edited version of this piece was published in the August 9, 2006, issue of Urban Tulsa Weekly. The edited, published version of the piece is online in the Internet Archive. Posted on the web April 28, 2013. Condemning TU By Michael D. Bates Usually it's the daily paper's editorial...

ABOT time

My wife and I attended the Urban Tulsa Weekly Absolute Best of Tulsa party tonight at The Hive. It was too loud and too smoky, and nearly everyone was way younger than us, but it was fun to get to chat with other UTW writers and staffers, like publisher Keith...

Tulsa's news bloggers; downtown Tulsa paradigm shift

The latest issue of Urban Tulsa Weekly is online, and for the first time, I've written the cover story, a feature story about Tulsa's news bloggers, with sidebars about what blogs are, the history of news blogging, a sampling of other local blogs, and how you can start your own...

Discoshaman is back

Discoshaman, who thrilled us a year ago with live blogging from the Orange Revolution in the streets of Kiev, has been on hiatus for a while, but is back blogging at Le Sabot Post-Moderne and at a new blog, Religion of Peace?, which has the subhead, "Ignore the corpses behind...

Sabotage (of the post-modern variety) resumes


Assorted linkage

Dean Esmay is blogging about Bouguereau again. (NB: Artistic depiction of busty substances.) Dean's also blogging for Terri Schiavo: Please click here and read this. Come on. Are you all that certain you know all there is to know here that's important? Are you really? If you aren't all that...

Best blogs for breaking news

A couple of weeks ago, Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ's Michael DelGiorno asked me to compile a list of five to ten top, must-read blogs. That's difficult, because the best blogs at any given moment vary with the hot story of the moment, based on which bloggers are in the best...

Rev. Jerry Falwell, will you please go now?

Ukraine-blogger Discoshaman of Le Sabot Post-Moderne will still be writing about the political situation as the repeat presidential runoff approaches, but he is returning to his usual assortment of topics, including theology from a Reformed (Calvinist) point of view and American politics. In this recent entry, he comments on Jerry...

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