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Do all cultures share the same values?

A recent tweet from Jeremy Tate, founder and CEO of the Classic Learning Test (CLT): Classical education is fundamental an educational [sic] it what it means to be fully human. It is not a politically conservative alternative to the already politically hijacked mainstream education. Instead, it is an education in...

9/11: Twenty-one years

Today is the 21st anniversary of the Islamist attacks on America. We pause to remember the husbands and wives, sons and daughters who died that day and in the years since in the pursuit of the evil movement that perpetrated the attacks. Please take a moment to remember Jayesh Shah,...

Remembering 9/11, 16 years on

I'm late this year taking time to remember the Islamist attacks on America and the husbands and wives, sons and daughters who died that day and in the years since in the pursuit of the evil movement that perpetrated the attacks. My thoughts have been occupied much of the day...

Sawi he spoke

Lately, for the eight-year-old's bedtime story, I have been reading the book Peace Child by Don Richardson. In 1962, Richardson, his wife Carol, and their infant son went with Regions Beyond Missionary Union to the Sawi, a people who live in the sago palm swamps along the Kronkel River in...

IMF offical: "The Quiet Coup" by the US financial industry

From an interesting article by an International Monetary Fund official, in the May 2009, Atlantic. Why does this paragraph make me think of Tulsa and Great Plains Airlines? Typically, these countries are in a desperate economic situation for one simple reason--the powerful elites within them overreached in good times and...

Candidate training in Tulsa this weekend

If you're a candidate for city office or a staffer or volunteer for said candidate, you probably shouldn't sacrifice one of your last three Saturdays before the primary for this, but if you're looking at running in a future election or helping someone who will be running.... American Majority will...

Will OETA tell the full story of Islam in Oklahoma?

Next Friday night at 9, OETA, Oklahoma's public television network, will air "Islam in Oklahoma": Oklahoma is home to more than 30,000 Muslim Americans. Join leaders from Oklahoma's Muslim community as they address the questions and issues raised by America at a Crossroads, Friday May 4 at 9 p.m. (Is...

Faces of persecution

I've been listening to David Calhoun's lectures on Ancient and Medieval Christianity, and the third lecture is about the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire. Christians were sent to their deaths for refusing to deny their faith in Christ, for refusing to offer incense or bow to an image...

Remembering Gerald Ford

Robert N. Going, who was set to run for a seat on the 1976 New York delegate slate as a Reagan supporter (and was a Reagan delegate in 1980; see his comment for explanation -- I've corrected this paragraph), says of the recently departed 38th president, de mortuis nil nisi...

Time to drain Foggy Bottom

Not a day goes by without a report that employees of our State Department (motto: "To protect and to serve... Saudi interests") is in some way undermining the policies of their nominal boss, President Bush. Donna M. Hughes, Women's Studies Professor at the University of Rhode Island, reports on NRO...

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