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Layer upon layer: Opening Obama's birth certificate in Adobe Illustrator

I haven't commented previously about the Obama birth certificate issue. My problems with the president involve his policies, not his place of birth. My guess was that there was something embarrassing on the long-form birth certificate that didn't appear on the certification of live birth that he released earlier. And...

See the wave...

Polling numbers, indications of voter enthusiasm, and the panicked reactions of Democratic incumbents all suggest that 2010 could be one of the greatest "wave elections" in decades. Could it be the greatest ever? There have been a few major waves in recent history. The post-Watergate wave of 1974 -- a...

Dan Boren pulls off the mask...

(Photoshop kindly provided by ExurbanJon of Exurban League, who had created similar images for Arizona's so-called Blue Dog Democrats, who are, in reality, "Pelosi's Poodles.") The most important vote a congressman casts is the vote for Speaker. That vote determines who will control committee chairmanships, who will control the...

PLANiTULSA final draft, my comments

Today at 4 at Tulsa City Hall is what may be the final session of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission's public hearing on the PLANiTULSA comprehensive plan. (You can download the June 2010 Final Draft of the PLANiTULSA policy documents here.) Work obligations preclude me from attending today, but...

Rick Carpenter: Surviving a Grand Jury Indictment

BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Brad Henry has vetoed HB 2246, the initiative petition reform bill to which Rick Carpenter alludes in the essay below, despite near unanimous support from the legislature. According to an e-mail press release from Oklahomans for Responsible Government late last night, "[Henry] claims that the provision that...

Palin Derangement Syndrome: A fake SAT report

A Photoshopped image purporting to be Sarah Palin's SAT report is circulating amongst the moonbats tonight. It was posted on Gawker, but Rick Paulas, Gawker's art director, has spotted several telltale signs of fakery, including the impossible variations in baselines and too-perfect kerning for the impact printers that generated SAT...

Yes, we went to the Tulsa State Fair

We spent most of Saturday at the Tulsa State Fair. Despite my disgust at many of the decisions of of the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority (aka the Fair Board), as I mentioned last year, going to the fair is a family tradition that predates my existence. The fair was...

Paul-itical analysis

My column in this week's Urban Tulsa Weekly is about the continuing push by the Ron Paul campaign to try to win the Republican presidential nomination for the Texas congressman, despite his failure to get above 3 to 7 percent in any primary election this year. The column explains how...

New paper: <em>Tulsa High Tech</em>

Don Singleton, the longtime president of the Tulsa Computer Society, has launched a new tabloid newspaper called Tulsa High Tech. The first issue is out, and you can find it at library branches, coffee houses, and other locations around town, including Coffee House on Cherry Street, DoubleShot Coffee Company, and...

PGA cleanup, the river tax, and other Tulsa blog spottings

Michelle sees something amiss with all the getting ready for company in advance of the PGA: Okay, let me get this straight - we don't have the money to fix our streets or hire enough police officers, but we have the money to take police away from their main job...

Tulsa bloggers cover the election

Other Tulsa bloggers have been busy with election coverage, too, so if you're doing your last-minute research before voting, be sure to visit these websites. You can also find links to the last 10 days' worth of posts for all of the following blogs on the Tulsa bloggers headlines page....

Annoying Christopher Hanson

All the cool bloggers are doing it, so why not join in? By "it," I mean annoying Baltimore Sun columnist Christopher Hanson, who complains that "[a] great many bloggers are... too self-absorbed to focus on keeping the public informed." He calls such bloggers "I Bloggers", who, says Hanson, "owe less...

Oklahoma Senate 33: Adelson muddies the waters

The trend among Democrat campaigns this year is to blur distinctions, to pose the Democrat as a conservative, and to pretend that the Republican is not really a good conservative. We've seen this in the presidential race, and in the U. S. Senate race in Oklahoma, where Democrats have tried...

Saddam's head on a platter

Possibly the best use of Photoshop to commemorate the capture of Saddam: It makes a nice bookend to this photo from 1975, when Chirac took Saddam on a tour of a French nuclear reactor: Nice eye contact. You can almost hear "Some Enchanted Evening" playing in the background. The authoritative...

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