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UCO forum on sexuality and spirituality

Last Monday, October 15, 2018, the University of Central Oklahoma hosted a forum to discuss the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity from a Christian perspective. The event was co-sponsored by several student organizations: S.A.F.E - Student Alliance for Equality, UCO Women's Research Center, BGLTQ+ Student Center, all groups...

Christian parenting: Immunizing against baptized liberalism, training the mind and the sentiments, and the call to heroism

One of the biggest fears of any Christian parent is that his child will abandon the faith in which he was raised once he's away from home. Some charismatic peer or professor will attempt to convert him to a new religion, which could be anything from a different branch of...

Shamelessness and trans-insanity

Some wise words from Matt Walsh, in reaction to the latest trans-sensation, Paul "Stefonknee" Wolscht, a 52-year-old father of seven who left his wife and kids to live as a six-year-old girl. As I said, this is what happens when you remove moral absolutes, shame, and judgment. For years, schools,...

OKWU's Piper: Personhood is more than proclivities

As many conservatives attempted to explain to their libertarian-leaning friends, the push for "gay marriage" was never about liberty; it's about coercion -- forcing Americans, under penalty of law, to treat same-sex pseudogamy as the equivalent of natural marriage. Five black-robed tyrants have imposed their religious views of human sexuality...

Gnosticism: The American Religion

Over at The Federalist (which is rapidly becoming my favorite site for news and opinion), Peter Burfeind has written an essay that explains the philosophical roots of the sexual revolution in this country, as part of a larger rebellion against nature and reality -- an ancient rebellion known as Gnosticism:...

Rick Santorum at ORU audio

Here is the complete audio in MP3 format of Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum's speech at Oral Roberts University's Mabee Center in Tulsa on February 9, 2012. The links lead directly to MP3 files. This audio came from my personal audio recorder, so the quality could be better. I'm...

Saturday (Doomsday+7) roundup, 2011/05/28

Browsing through a copy of The Happiness Project at the airport bookshop, I encountered the phrase "aspirational clutter," the stuff you don't need but keep around because represents some project or plan you hope to accomplish (but very likely won't). Consider this a yard sale of blog entries and news...

Higher re-education: OSU sponsors liberal proselytizing on sexual morality

Leftists seeking social transformation have long seen public education -- K-12 and college alike -- as a golden opportunity to alienate young people from their parents' benighted customs, morals, and opinions, so that they can be re-educated to a progressive point of view. But seldom has this missionary misuse of...

Actually, there is something wrong with that

If you're a conservative, one of your core beliefs is that human nature has no history. Human nature is not some malleable thing that the government can, with sufficient incentives or punishments, reshape into its ideological ideal. The Soviets tried to create a "New Soviet Man," willing to give his...

G. T. Bynum's sexual orientation proposal

I was fairly stunned to see the following message, from Tulsa District 9 City Councilor G. T. Bynum, on my Facebook news feed Thursday afternoon: Proud to see Civil Service Commission approve proposal by Councilor Barnes & me banning City HR discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Bynum crossposted the same...

The Roth-McClendon connection

In my column endorsing Dana Murphy in the short-term Corporation Commission race, I wrote about the mutual back-scratching relationship between Chesapeake Energy head Aubrey McClendon and Corporation Commission seat-warmer Jim Roth. 1. McClendon helped Roth get elected to the Oklahoma County Commission. 2. Roth built a bridge in the middle...

A faithful few on global warming, Calvinism, romance, sexuality, and xenobaptism

Some interesting faith-related items from the blogroll: Swamphopper wonders about the latest release from some prominent evangelical leaders (including Purpose-peddler Rick Warren) calling for an end to global warming: These are the questions going through my mind today: What will the evangelical church look like ten or twenty years from...

Keeping tabs on the blogosphere

I tend to go a bit crazy with Mozilla's tabbed browsing capabilities. Rather than move on from something interesting, I open a new tab and keep browsing, and the tabs become a snapshot of what's caught my attention. I have 12 open at the moment, and it's about time I...

Pastor questioned by FBI about "life issues" sermons reports that a small-town Illinois pastor was questioned by FBI agents about a sermon he delivered on Memorial Day last year, in which he compared the victims of abortion to the casualties of war: "I shared the number of people who have died in wars versus the number who...

Washington <i>Post</i> profiles Tom Coburn

There was a fascinating, sympathetic profile of Senator-elect Tom Coburn in today's Washington Post. (Hat tip: Some highlights: When the "Marvelous Seven" new Republican senators are introduced to the media, reporters ignore the others and swarm around Coburn like bees to soda pop, waiting for him to fizz. But...

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