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Groucho Marx - You Bet Your Life - OUTTAKES (Complete!) - YouTube

Groucho Marx - You Bet Your Life - OUTTAKES (Complete!) - YouTube "These hilarious outtakes from YBYL have been posted around YouTube before, but scattered around in pieces. Here are all the known surviving outtakes together in one video, 90...

On Religion - Ten years of reporting on a fault line - Columns

On Religion - Ten years of reporting on a fault line - Columns Terry Mattingly, writing in 1998: "Back in the 1980s, I began to experience deja vu while covering event after event on the religion beat in Charlotte, Denver...

Through African Eyes by John A. Azumah | Articles | First Things

Through African Eyes by John A. Azumah | Articles | First Things A Presbyterian pastor from Ghana teaching at PCUSA (liberal Presbyterian) church puts forth an African Christian perspective on the gay marriage debate in the Global North and gets...

Calling Pittsburgh Depression-proof is a Journalistic Felony |

Calling Pittsburgh Depression-proof is a Journalistic Felony | Depopulating and deindustrialized, no snow plowing, bad schools, but, hey, they have a nice light rail system, and that's enough to impress the New York Times....

The New Republic: Trading Places

The New Republic: Trading Places "In the past three decades, Chicago has undergone changes that are routinely described as gentrification, but are in fact more complicated and more profound than the process that term suggests. A better description would be...

TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Fallacy #1: The Founders Weren't Deists

TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Fallacy #1: The Founders Weren't Deists First in a series about the faith of the Founding Fathers. Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin may not have been orthodox, but they "believed in an omnipotent god... Moralistic Therapeutic Deism--the New American Religion Moralistic Therapeutic Deism -- the New American Religion Are these the fundamentals of the American faith? "1. A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth. 2. God wants people to be...

JunkYardBlog: Fred: Rights Come From God

Fred: Rights Come From God "Did you catch that, nestled amidst the Cracker-barrel folksiness? 'My friends, we must remember that rights come from God, and not from Government.' It's already creating some buzz because it's a radical statement. And a...

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