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Joel Kotkin in Singapore's Straits Times

Joel Kotkin Singapore's Straits Times Why do Americans seem so hopeful about the future? "Some of it is just happenstance but there are three factors: First, and probably most importantly, is immigration. "In the American context, immigration has historically meant...

When a North Korean Missile Accidentally Hit a North Korean City | The Diplomat

When a North Korean Missile Accidentally Hit a North Korean City | The Diplomat Extracting information about NK's nuclear capabilities from news of a failed launch. "As North Korea's production of now-proven IRBMs and ICBMs continues, it will have a...

The Other Terrifying Lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis - POLITICO Magazine

The Other Terrifying Lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis - POLITICO Magazine "...the more telling lesson of the Cuban crisis is that opposing leaders in a nuclear showdown inevitably lack sufficient information about each other's military capabilities, intentions and perceptions,...

Dodging Armageddon: The Third World War That Almost Was, 1950 | The XX Committee

Dodging Armageddon: The Third World War That Almost Was, 1950 | The XX Committee According to a recently declassified report, USA's forceful response to Communist aggression in Korea in 1950 deterred Stalin from carrying out his plan to attack Tito's...

World power swings back to America - Telegraph

World power swings back to America - Telegraph Some good news from the Telegraph's international business editor Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: America is supplying nearly three-quarters of its energy needs, up from half a decade ago. Wage inflation in China is encouraging...

Column One: The 'realist' fantasy | Columnists | Jerusalem Post

Column One: The 'realist' fantasy | Columnists | Jerusalem Post Why do foreign policy 'realists' insist on ignoring the very real threats voiced by the leaders of rogue states? "On Tuesday, Hamas legislators marked the Christmas season by passing a...

Gadling: Infiltrating North Korea

Gadling: Infiltrating North Korea An American visits the "world's most reclusive nation" and brings back stories and photos. (Via a comment at Hot Air.)...

OpinionJournal: James Schlesinger: Stupid Intelligence on Iran

OpinionJournal: James Schlesinger: Stupid Intelligence on Iran James Schlesinger, former head of the U. S. Atomic Energy and the CIA, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Energy, who served under Nixon, Ford, and Carter, critiques the National Intelligence Estimate's report...

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