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Matching entries from BatesLine linkblog

Yogi's Den: Our World - HDR Photography the Easy and Inexpensive Way

Yogi's Den: Our World - HDR Photography the Easy and Inexpensive Way Using a Canon point-and-shoot camera's bracketing function and a processing website to create beautiful High Dynamic Range photos of Philbrook Art Center...

Bounded Rationality: Masterpieces of American Photography - Philbrook Museum Exhibit

Bounded Rationality: Masterpieces of American Photography - Philbrook Museum Exhibit "If you have never seen an authentic fine art photograph, you are missing something you should experience. There is absolutely no comparison between a high quality fine art print and...

Awesomely Bad Tulsa Sculptures « Irritated Tulsan

Awesomely Bad Tulsa Sculptures « Irritated Tulsan There's a nude noodling sculpture in Philbrook! (Or should that be nudeling?)...

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