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The sins of Sarah Palin - Yahoo! News

The sins of Sarah Palin - Yahoo! News "Palin announces she is quitting her job as governor of Alaska, and she catches everybody by surprise. What is up with that? "Where were the leaks and the trial balloons? Why weren't...

About that Sarah Palin resignation thing ... (Wizbang)

About that Sarah Palin resignation thing ... (Wizbang) Oklahoma City's Michael Laprairie explains why Palin's outsider appeal hurt her with the professional political class: "We know that John McCain's campaign staff harbored a lot of resentment toward Sarah Palin. Perhaps...

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Maybe She Doesn't Want To Be President

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Maybe She Doesn't Want To Be President Jay Cost makes the should-be-obvious point that seems to have escaped many in the right-wing blogosphere who dumped on Sarah Palin on Friday. "My guess is that Palin had...

The Greenroom: It Always Has Been About Trig

The Greenroom: It Always Has Been About Trig "If Sarah Palin had aborted Trig, the left would have been okay with it. If she hid Trig offstage and out of sight, all would be good. But treat the child as...

On the Other Foot: See why I love this woman?

On the Other Foot: See why I love this woman? "NEW PARIS, Pennsylvania: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska was swiftly working the rope line at an apple orchard in southwestern Pennsylvania when she met a supporter who brought her to...

Wonder Land - Hatin' Palin

Wonder Land - Hatin' Palin "If as Joe Biden suggests the U.S. is likely to be tested by a foreign enemy next year, who of the following would you rather have dealing with it in the Oval Office: Nancy...

RealClearPolitics - Tony Blankley - The Birth of the Me-Too Conservative

RealClearPolitics - Tony Blankley - The Birth of the Me-Too Conservative Blankley takes on the "neuroticons": "Peggy [Noonan]'s unconscious fear may be that it will be precisely Sarah Palin (and others like her) who will be among the leaders of... sad reaction to Peggy Noonan's Palin meltdown sad reaction to Peggy Noonan's Palin meltdown "I see no way to avoid the conclusion that Ms. Noonan thinks that I am, and that people like me are, 'a symptom and expression of a new vulgarization in American politics,'...

Fred Thompson :: :: Qualified

Fred Thompson :: :: Qualified "One can hardly disagree with the desirability of our leaders having the qualities that Brooks describes (putting aside the question of how many of our leaders who are not Sarah Palin have demonstrated these...

Independent Women's Forum - The Q Word from Charlie Gibson to Sarah Palin: Are You Qualified?

Independent Women's Forum - The Q Word from Charlie Gibson to Sarah Palin: Are You Qualified? Former Democratic Oklahoma state representative Cleta Deatherage Mitchell writes: "It is not that we don't want to assure qualified people are the ones who...

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