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Matching entries from BatesLine linkblog

Why Airlines Want to Make You Suffer: The New Yorker

Why Airlines Want to Make You Suffer: The New Yorker "But the [airline] fee model comes with systematic costs that are not immediately obvious. Here's the thing: in order for fees to work, there needs be something worth paying to...

David Klein, Illustrator

David Klein, Illustrator David Klein captured post-war optimism and the golden age of air travel in his posters for Trans World Airlines. This site features dozens of travel posters, plus Broadway window cards, and other art work. (Found via the...

The Lunacy of Our Retreat from Space by Charles Krauthammer on National Review Online

The Lunacy of Our Retreat from Space by Charles Krauthammer on National Review Online "Michael Crichton once wrote that if you told a physicist in 1899 that within a hundred years humankind would, among other wonders (nukes, commercial airlines), 'travel...

Southwest emerges as bidder for ATA's LaGuardia slots

Southwest emerges as bidder for ATA's LaGuardia slots Southwest Airlines to New York City? They're buying a defunct airline to get access to the Big Apple....

By Ken Levine: Open letter to airlines: we hate you

By Ken Levine: Open letter to airlines: we hate you Communicating honestly with passengers about flight delays -- the problem isn't weather in Chicago; the pilot is waiting in a long line at Starbucks -- would go a long way...

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