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Matching entries from BatesLine linkblog

Coding, Fast and Slow: Developers and the Psychology of Overconfidence

Coding, Fast and Slow: Developers and the Psychology of Overconfidence "First off, there are, I believe, really two reasons why we're so bad at making estimates. The first is the sort of irreducible one: writing software involves figuring out something in...

The Ultimate List of Blogging Platforms, Blog Software (100+!) | TentBlogger

The Ultimate List of Blogging Platforms, Blog Software (100+!) | TentBlogger First comment: "Dude... people still use Xanga?" Not only the names, but screenshots of the control panel for each one. (Next step: Categorize between self-hosted software like Movable Type...

A Timeless Way of Building Software [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]

A Timeless Way of Building Software [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog] Interesting....

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