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Why We Talk Past Each Other at Work: The 7 Decision Languages - The Manasclerk Company

Why We Talk Past Each Other at Work: The 7 Decision Languages - The Manasclerk Company E. Forrest Christian writes: "I recently sat through a meeting where the discussants, all intelligent people who care deeply about the work under discussion,...

Philadelphia's Placing a $500 Million Bet on Play - Next City

Philadelphia's Placing a $500 Million Bet on Play - Next City My first reaction to the headline was, "No city should be putting a half-billion-dollar bet on anything!" But the headline of this article doesn't reflect its contents. It's really...

Donald Trump is making the 'Great Man' theory of history great again - Business Insider

Donald Trump is making the 'Great Man' theory of history great again - Business Insider Interesting article by David A. Bell, a professor of history at Princeton. Bell begins by reciting some cases in which the personalities of world leaders...

Essay: Dumb-dumb bullets - July 2009 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy

Essay: Dumb-dumb bullets - July 2009 - Armed Forces Journal - Military Strategy, Global Defense Strategy "Every year, the services spend millions of dollars teaching our people how to think. We invest in everything from war colleges to noncommissioned officer...

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