Entries from BatesLine linkblog tagged with 'Latin'

The Vatican's Latinist | The New Criterion

The Vatican's Latinist | The New Criterion A profile of the Father Reginald Foster, who, for forty years, rendered documents of the Roman Catholic Church in its official language: 'A humanist par excellence, Latin for Foster was not something to...

The Supine: Latin: Wheelock

The Supine: Wheelock's Grammar A seldom-seen Latin construction to indicate purpose or point-of-view. More: Latin Verbal: Supine: ThoughtCo Supine: The Latin Library...

Latin Pronunciation

THE PRONUNCIATION OF LATIN: Ancient and Modern Pronunciations "A great deal of heat, if not light, has been spent on the problem of the "correct pronunciation of Latin". Probably most students will go with the method that their teachers use,...

Latin should be taught in every state primary school, says leading academic | The Independent

Latin should be taught in every state primary school, says leading academic | The Independent "Professor Dennis Hayes, an expert from the University of Derby and Chair of the College of Education Research Committee, has warned that Latin and ancient...

Bradley's Arnold: A practical guide to Latin prose composition

Bradley's Arnold: A practical guide to Latin prose composition: openlibrary.org When in Rome, write as the Romans do. This is George Granville Bradley's original revision of Thomas Kerchever Arnold's earlier work. Newer editions are still used as the standard text...

Paws, Pee and Mice: Cats among Medieval Manuscripts | medievalfragments

Paws, Pee and Mice: Cats among Medieval Manuscripts | medievalfragments "Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde...

Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary

Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary Lewis and Short, online...

Latin Dictionary Headword Search Results

Perseus: Online Latin dictionary Great resource for Latin translation and composition. If I'd had this in college, it would have deprived me of my weekly trip to the MIT humanities library to use their Lewis and Short (and my weekly...

Harvard Gazette: 'Towering figure' in Latin literature Bailey dies at 87

Harvard Gazette: 'Towering figure' in Latin literature Bailey dies at 87 Continuing my stroll down via memoriarum, Harvard Classics department chairman Richard Thomas recalls Shackleton Bailey's importance to our understanding of Cicero and the late Roman Republic through his editions...

Professor D. R. Shackleton Bailey - Obituaries, News - The Independent

Professor D. R. Shackleton Bailey - Obituaries, News - The Independent I had Prof. Shackleton Bailey for Latin Prose Composition at Harvard. He died, age 87, in late 2005. He had a long and distinguished career at Cambridge, where he...

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