Entries from BatesLine linkblog tagged with 'higher education'

Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest

Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest Jonathan Haidt, co-author with Greg Lukianoff of "The Coddling of the American Mind" writes: "Greg is prone to depression, and after hospitalization for a serious episode in 2007, Greg...

Hillsdale's Common Reading Program by David Randall | NAS

Hillsdale's Common Reading Program by David Randall | NAS "Fundamentally, Hillsdale believes that a liberal arts education is designed to liberate the human person. Hillsdale's curriculum teaches a willing acceptance of the discipline and virtue that enables students to live...

(339) Haskell State School of Agriculture | lost-colleges

(339) Haskell State School of Agriculture | lost-colleges One of six agricultural junior colleges authorized by the first Oklahoma legislature, but defunded in 1917, the campus sat at the east end of College Ave. in Broken Arrow, and the main...

A Not So Happy Warrior: Mike Adams, 1964-2020 :: SteynOnline

A Not So Happy Warrior: Mike Adams, 1964-2020 :: SteynOnline "The American academy is bonkers and has reared monsters - so that we now have a 'black liberation movement' staffed almost entirely by college-educated white women (including a remarkable number...

A Not So Happy Warrior: Mike Adams, 1964-2020 :: SteynOnline

A Not So Happy Warrior: Mike Adams, 1964-2020 :: SteynOnline "The American academy is bonkers and has reared monsters - so that we now have a 'black liberation movement' staffed almost entirely by college-educated white women (including a remarkable number...

The Intellectual and Moral Decline in Academic Research -- The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

The Intellectual and Moral Decline in Academic Research -- The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal I've often heard about Ike warning of the "military-industrial complex," but never knew that he warned about federal money corrupting science in the...

MIT prof finds that adding an hour of sleep can bump students up a letter grade | The Times of Israel

MIT prof finds that adding an hour of sleep can bump students up a letter grade | The Times of Israel A Fitbit-based study attempting to show a link between exercise and better grades showed something entirely different: "When Grossman...

A Modern Great Books Solution to the Humanities' Enrollment Woes - The Chronicle of Higher Education

A Modern Great Books Solution to the Humanities' Enrollment Woes - The Chronicle of Higher Education Purdue adds liberal arts to its STEM-focused campus with the five-semester Cornerstone requirement. 'In 2016, Reingold asked Zook to direct the fledgling program. Her...

'Undercurrent of fear': Students say professor's online posts are indicative of anti-LGBTQ culture in Auburn - The Auburn Plainsman

'Undercurrent of fear': Students say professor's online posts are indicative of anti-LGBTQ culture in Auburn - The Auburn Plainsman Auburn student newspaper attacks professor for views expressed on his personal Facebook account. Authors Anthony Esolen and Robert A. J. Gagnon...

How Colleges Pair Freshman Roommates - The Atlantic

How Colleges Pair Freshman Roommates - The Atlantic "Many new students join groups online to connect with one another before freshman year, and they submit roommate requests based on the information they glean there. But in recent years, many colleges...

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