Entries from BatesLine linkblog tagged with 'vocation'

Kate Forbes has still won a significant victory - for religion in public life

Kate Forbes has still won a significant victory - for religion in public life -- Daily Telegraph Fraser Nelson on the deputy leader of the Scottish National Party: "It's not just that she was born into the Free Church of...

You're Morally Obligated to Do Remarkable Things - Dr Jordan B Peterson | Facebook

You're Morally Obligated to Do Remarkable Things - Dr Jordan B Peterson | Facebook "You're Morally Obligated to Do Remarkable Things. Why? "Well, partly because life is so difficult and challenging that unless you give it everything you have, the...

There Is No Indispensable Man | The Art of Manliness

There Is No Indispensable Man | The Art of Manliness "...when Ike returned to Normandy for the 20th anniversary of D-Day and was asked to give a speech at a dinner commemorating the invasion, rather than use the occasion to...

Sam Kinison: The Last Sermon

Sam Kinison: The Last Sermon An audio recording of the last sermon Sam Kinison preached, at Community Assembly Church, 1404 N. Utica Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma, on November 24, 1982. Kinison had been an evangelist before becoming a stand-up comedian. The...

BillHendricks.net: Is It a Calling Or a Whim?

BillHendricks.net: Is It a Calling Or a Whim? Bill Hendricks of the Giftedness Center in Dallas lists and elaborates on five signs a path you're considering may be your calling: "It fits your giftedness. ... You feel drawn to it...

Why We Talk Past Each Other at Work: The 7 Decision Languages - The Manasclerk Company

Why We Talk Past Each Other at Work: The 7 Decision Languages - The Manasclerk Company E. Forrest Christian writes: "I recently sat through a meeting where the discussants, all intelligent people who care deeply about the work under discussion,...

The Most Subtle Form of Pride | Desiring God

The Most Subtle Form of Pride | Desiring God Greg Morse writes: "Smallness in our own eyes is a virus mimicking humility that tempts some of us to do the same as Saul. He knew the command, saw the sheep...

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person | Cracked.com

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person | Cracked.com The harsh truths are delivered with foul language, but that just might be what it takes to reach its intended audience. Some expurgated highlights: "Either you will go...

A Treatise of Vocations by William Perkins | Monergism

A Treatise of Vocations by William Perkins | Monergism A book by the late-16th-century English preacher, author, and Cambridge fellow on the Bible's teaching about work and calling: "Now, in every calling we must consider two causes. First, the efficient...

How To Get Things Done | Challies Dot Com

How To Get Things Done | Challies Dot Com First in a series on personal productivity from a Christian perspective, featuring a short catechism on productivity....

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