Culture: July 2020 Archives

A Not So Happy Warrior: Mike Adams, 1964-2020 :: SteynOnline

"The American academy is bonkers and has reared monsters - so that we now have a 'black liberation movement' staffed almost entirely by college-educated white women (including a remarkable number of angry trans-women) from the over-undergraduated permanent-varsity Class of Whenever. We are assured that out in "the real world' there is a soi-disant 'silent majority' whose voices will resound around the world on November 3rd. For what it's worth, I don't believe in the existence of this 'silent majority', and a political party that has won the popular vote only once in the last thirty years (2004) ought to be chary about over-investing in it.

"But either way, if you're doing the heavy lifting on an otherwise abandoned front of the culture war, what you mostly hear, as Mike Adams did, is the silent majority's silence - month in, month out....

"Pushing back can be initially exhilarating - and then just awfully wearing and soul-crushing: 'I'm with you one hundred per cent, of course. But please don't mention I said so...'

"And yet, if the facts are as they appear, a tireless and apparently 'happy warrior' - exhausted by a decade of litigation, threats, boycotts, ostracization and more - found himself sitting alone - and all he heard in the deafening silence of the 'silent majority' was his own isolation and despair."

A Not So Happy Warrior: Mike Adams, 1964-2020 :: SteynOnline

"The American academy is bonkers and has reared monsters - so that we now have a 'black liberation movement' staffed almost entirely by college-educated white women (including a remarkable number of angry trans-women) from the over-undergraduated permanent-varsity Class of Whenever. We are assured that out in "the real world' there is a soi-disant 'silent majority' whose voices will resound around the world on November 3rd. For what it's worth, I don't believe in the existence of this 'silent majority', and a political party that has won the popular vote only once in the last thirty years (2004) ought to be chary about over-investing in it.

"But either way, if you're doing the heavy lifting on an otherwise abandoned front of the culture war, what you mostly hear, as Mike Adams did, is the silent majority's silence - month in, month out....

"Pushing back can be initially exhilarating - and then just awfully wearing and soul-crushing: 'I'm with you one hundred per cent, of course. But please don't mention I said so...'

"And yet, if the facts are as they appear, a tireless and apparently 'happy warrior' - exhausted by a decade of litigation, threats, boycotts, ostracization and more - found himself sitting alone - and all he heard in the deafening silence of the 'silent majority' was his own isolation and despair."