Culture: May 2022 Archives

Law & Liberty - Mark Judge - Men Searching for Their Lost Tribe

Mark Judge writing in Law & Liberty: "There are plenty of enemies to fight in the world, and they're not all in the hills of Afghanistan. They are the enemies of loneliness, illness, and despair that come to all tribes, modern or not. When my mother was diagnosed with dementia and I became her primary caretaker, a lot of my dreams were put on hold, including going to Hawaii to see the childhood friend who had contacted me on Facebook. I soon discovered that other members of my tribe also had parents who are now elderly and enjoy a visit from someone like me that they had watched grow up. Making the rounds a couple times a week to check in on them shows it doesn't take a fire fight or a hurricane to become what the men who were leaders in our tribe growing up in Maryland taught us to be, or at least try to be. In the words of the Jesuit motto of my high school, we should be men for others."

Texas is success and Illinois is failure | Da Techguy's (no longer backup) Blog

John Ruberry (Marathon Pundit) made a recent visit to Texas which inspired a comparison unfavorable to his home state of Illinois. "The Land of Lincoln had slightly more than 10 million residents [when I was born], while the Lone Star State had about half-a-million fewer people. According to the 2020 Census, Texas was the home of 29 million people, with Illinois at just under 13 million. Overall, in the same time period the overall US population soared from 179 million to 329 million.... The Prairie State has been losing population every year since 2014.... Since I was born four Illinois governors, three Democrats and one Republican, have served time in federal prison. No Texas governors have suffered that indignity. Last month, Michael Madigan, who was Illinois' most powerful politician until he was ousted as Illinois speaker of the House in 2021, was indicted on a whole slew of racketeering charges. Madigan, except for two years in the 1990s, served as House speaker beginning in 1981. From 1998 until 2021 Madigan was also chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party."

Ruberry quotes from the farewell letter from former Illinois State Senator Roger Keats, who is Gone To Texas.

The cost of woke: Appeals court rules Oberlin must pay Gibson's bakery $32 million - HotAir

Trying to be woker than their very woke students, Oberlin College officials falsely smeared a 137-year-old, family-owned bakery across the street from campus of racism after the bakery called police to deal with a shoplifter and accomplices who attacked the son of the store's owner. The price of Oberlin's defamatory attempt to placate woke students: A $32 million judgment, upheld by an Ohio appeals court.