Politics: January 2010 Archives

Mako Snark

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Mako Snark

A new blog of funny political Photoshops from a conservative perspective. (Via The Other McCain.)

Hot Air: Democratic heir to Ted Kennedy leads Republican challenger by ... nine points?

Republican Scott Brown is within striking distance of winning the Kennedys' seat in the U. S. Senate and breaking the Democratic filibuster-proof majority.

Paul Rahe: Barack Obama and the Exhausted Presidency - Big Government

"When Obama ran for the Democratic nomination, his opponents -- Joe Biden among them -- warned that he was not ready. When his party nominated him, Republicans made the same point, but to no avail.

"Now, if I am correct in my interpretation of the character of his exhaustion, even Obama appears to realize that he may not be up to the job. It seems not even to have crossed his mind when he ran for the office and assumed it that with the office would come responsibilities of a sort that had never previously encountered and that he had no particular desire to shoulder."