Politics: April 2015 Archives

Nixon, Hillary, and the Tapes: Fred's Thought of the Day: | The American Spectator

Watergate prosecutor Fred Thompson:

"During the many talks, conferences and interviews I have participated in over the years about Watergate, one of the questions I'm almost always asked is why Nixon didn't destroy the tapes. I've always replied that his lawyers knew that he would have undoubtedly been charged with obstruction of justice, since the tapes arguably could have been subpoenaed as evidence in the matters that the Watergate Committee was investigating.

"Watching Team Hillary's performance over the past three weeks in damage control over her private email server and decisions to destroy potentially pertinent correspondence to at least one ongoing Congressional investigation, I have come to the realization that Nixon's main problem turned out to be that he just wasn't devious and tough enough. As you may recall, while Benghazi documents were under subpoena Hillary's cleanup crew wiped the hard drive of her server clean and deleted more than 30,000 emails. None related to work, she promises. She has long since learned that it is better to have people think you're lying than to give up evidence that proves it."