Profound: March 2024 Archives

One Good Thing Every Day |

Some great self-care advice for anyone, but particularly those dealing with long-term health challenges, by Connie Connely, who was one of my mom's colleagues at Catoosa Elementary and her dear friend: Write down one good thing that happened every day. Set small goals and plan for activities to look forward to. Reach out to a friend. List things that are bothering you. Be alert to decision fatigue. Drink water and eat healthy meals. Get enough sleep.

You're Morally Obligated to Do Remarkable Things - Dr Jordan B Peterson | Facebook

"You're Morally Obligated to Do Remarkable Things. Why?

"Well, partly because life is so difficult and challenging that unless you give it everything you have, the chances are very high that it will embitter you. And then you'll be a force for darkness. That's not good. Also, the fact that life is short and can be brutal can terrify you into hiding. But you can flip that on its head and understand that since you're all in, you might as well take the adventurous risks. That's a very good thing to understand.

"What is also useful to understand is that there isn't anything more adventurous than the truth. This is something that took me a long time to figure out. You can craft your words to get what you want.

"If you're attempting to say what you believe to be true and attempting to act in the manner that you think is most appropriate, that's genuinely you. If you're trying to live in the truth, you have the force of reality behind you, and that seems like a good deal. You have the reality and the adventure.

"So, why is that a moral obligation? Well, if you hide and you don't let what's inside of you out--and you don't bring into the world what you could bring--you become cynical and bitter. Not only will you not add to the world what you could add, but you'll start being jealous of people who are competent and doing well and work to destroy them.

"That's the pathway to hell."