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Preservation - Drying a wet book

Valuable advice from the State Library of New South Wales, Australia, for dealing with books that are in various states of wetness, from still in mud and water to mere exterior dampness. Biggest surprise: "Freezing can be used as a method of holding wet material in a stabilised state until it can be treated." Gentle ventilation is important for carrying away damp air.

More information from the Library of Congress: Emergency Drying Procedures for Water Damaged Collections

What is the best font for reading a speech? - Quora

I used this advice recently and found it effective. I didn't have time to mess with double-sided printing, so I arranged the pages in a booklet -- 1 facing 2, 3 facing 4, etc. -- stapled along the spine, then stapled along the outside each pair of pages that were back to back. That approach had the advantage of limiting show-through, and giving me more traction when turning pages.

"Using a highly legible sans serif such as Verdana with moderately loose (1.5x) line spacing and black text on white at a moderately large size (like 14-15 pt) will likely work well.

"You want to use a bigger size because you don't want to be holding up the paper. Knowing your reading conditions will help: how well lit will your reading spot be? Will you have a lectern to rest the paper on, and how high/close will it be?

"With a longer speech, one little trick you can use is to print double-sided, and 'bind' your paper on the edge with some staples. Now fold the pages back and forth open/closed a few times so they naturally open easily. You have just made a booklet so that you can turn pages half as often. You will get interrupted/lost less easily this way."

NOAA Historical Declination Viewer

An interactive map showing historical magnetic variation (the angle between true north and the direction a magnetic compass will point) since 1590. The movement of the north magnetic pole has accelerated in recent years. Since 1963, magnetic north has moved from 75 degrees north in the northern islands of Canada, to 86 degrees north in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

This Forbes story explains the impact of the magnetic pole shift on navigation.

How to check BIOS version in Windows 10

"wmic bios get biosversion" or msinfo32

Convert Units - Measurement Unit Converter

Useful collection of unit converters, including some rather obscure ones. Here you can convert between smoots and feet.