Tulsa: January 2020 Archives

Tulsa is getting a fancy new park that residents can feel smug about - The Lost Ogle

OKC blog rates OKC's new Scissortail Park uninspiring compared to Tulsa's The Gathering Place, but also shares a bit of childhood park nostalgia.

"I grew up in Midwest City, and the coolest thing we had at Regional Park back then was a metal rocketship that baked you like an oven and had filthy graffiti scrawled all over the inside."

I remember that rocketship fondly. It was across the street from my aunt's apartment, and it resembled the USS Enterprise, with the main saucer and two engine pods. The biggest problem with it was that it was too popular and crowded, so you couldn't really reenact Star Trek episodes in it.

Bill Hader and Rachel Bilson on Coffee Date in His Hometown

I'm just disappointed that Hader chose the Utica Square Starbucks, out of all the options in this great coffee town. Next time he should ask Carrie Brownstein to recommend a Tulsa coffee house.