Education: February 2021 Archives

Every February, the National Latin Exam gives students of the language the opportunity to show what they know, with the potential of earning prizes and scholarships. One of the challenges for doing well in the exam is that the exam syllabus does not align well with many popular Latin curricula. For example: Henle Latin doesn't introduce numbers until near the end of the First Year textbook and doesn't deal systematically with Roman geography and history, or the sort of terms from daily life (food, family members, parts of the body, common animals, conversation) that are learned early in the study of living languages. Every curriculum has its own vocabulary, and words learned by first-year students in one course aren't learned in others. So Latin students must seek additional resources to prepare for the exam.

Official resources from the National Latin Exam website:

Unofficial resources:

Resources on Roman culture, not specific to the NLE:

Certamen (Latin quiz bowl) resources, which may also be helpful for NLE prep:

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