Tulsa County: August 2018 Archives

john_wright-flag_sign.pngPat Milton, 1st Deputy and a 10-year veteran of the Tulsa County Assessor's Office, posted a ringing endorsement of John Wright, who finished first in the June primary to succeed Ken Yazel and who is on Tuesday's runoff ballot. I'm reposting it here with Milton's permission.

Milton highlights Wright's experience in the assessor's office, his training and accreditation in the specialized work that assessors do, his integrity, his thoughtfulness, and his role, alongside Yazel, in reforming the Assessor's Office to build an office that passes its audits with flying colors and consistently ranks at or near the top among Oklahoma counties in its performance audit:

If you intend to vote in the runoff election this coming Tuesday, I'm asking for your vote for John Wright. The reason is simple.

John has eight years of experience being on Ken Yazel's Executive Staff. John has participated in most of the major reforms Ken has made to the operation, and the taxpayers are better served having a person with experience in that office.

John has an IAM Accreditation and has completed the requirements for an AAS Professional Designation from the International Association of Assessing Officers, the standards setting body for our profession.

In the past 10 years, the Assessor's Office has functioned with an average annual increase in its budget of 1%. The office has received "0" dings from the State Auditor and Inspector. And the office has been at or near the top in every Oklahoma Tax Commission performance audit, receiving a perfect score twice.

John has more personal integrity than anyone I have ever known. He is endorsed by Ken Yazel, Don Newberry, Kirby Lehman, Fred Perry, me, several county assessors, and many more.

John is a thoughtful leader with a lot of experience. That is what the Assessor's Office needs.

Please vote for John Wright on Tuesday.

Thank you...Pat

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