Tulsa Crime: May 2012 Archives

A news release this morning from the Tulsa Police Department announces the apprehension of a suspect in a car burglary in the Owen Park neighborhood:

Burglary from Vehicle Suspect Apprehended

At about 1:49 AM, officers were dispatched to an auto theft in progress at 302 N. Santa Fe Ave. Upon arrival, Sgt. Brown noticed a white male searching through the vehicle. When the male, later identified as Kyle Stromme saw Sgt. Brown, he fled north through the back yard.

Officer Butterfield deployed his K9 partner, Hooch, and conducted a track. Butterfield and Hooch also conducted a search of the abandoned house at 306 N. Santa Fe Ave. It was here that K9 Hooch was able to locate and apprehend Stromme, who was hiding under a mattress in the back sun porch. Stromme received a bite and was treated by EMSA at the scene. Stromme was later booked by for two counts of burglary from a vehicle and resisting Officers.

*Note: The information in this report is preliminary information and is subject to change as the investigation continues.

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