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Malcolm Gladwell: How I Rediscovered Faith - Relevant

Malcolm Gladwell: How I Rediscovered Faith - Relevant "Le Chambon is an area of France called the Vivarais Plateay - a remote mountainous region near the Italian and Swiss borders. For many centuries, the area has been home to dissident...

Sexular Colonialism - Stephen McAlpine

Sexular Colonialism - Stephen McAlpine Stephen McAlpine on the recent persecution of Christian professional rugby players who are of Pacific Islander heritage. He sees a pattern -- white progressives imposing their morality on brown and black believers, whether Fijian Christians,...

Chinese authorities blow up Christian megachurch with dynamite | The Independent

Chinese authorities blow up Christian megachurch with dynamite | The Independent "Chinese authorities have demolished a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming long-standing tensions between religious groups and the Communist Party. "Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People's Armed Police used...

Fox's Book of Martyrs

Fox's Book of Martyrs "A history of the lives, sufferings, and triumphant deaths of the early Christian and the Protestant martyrs." A 16th century book, updated to include 17th, 18th, and 19th century persecutions of dissenters like John Bunyan and...

BaylyBlog: Iranian brother tortured for baptizing Muslim converts...

BaylyBlog: Iranian brother tortured for baptizing Muslim converts... "On May 31, house church leader Mohsen Namvar was arrested by eight police officers in his home in Tehran, Iran. According to Compass Direct News, 'The officers confiscated a number of Namvar's...

OpinionJournal: Evangelicals and Evil Empires

OpinionJournal: Evangelicals and Evil Empires Why are evangelical social conservatives open to a Giuliani presidency? Because they care about foreign policy, too, for the sake of their persecuted Christian brethren in Muslim-ruled countries, just as they cared about their brethren...

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