Sexular Colonialism - Stephen McAlpine

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Sexular Colonialism - Stephen McAlpine

Stephen McAlpine on the recent persecution of Christian professional rugby players who are of Pacific Islander heritage. He sees a pattern -- white progressives imposing their morality on brown and black believers, whether Fijian Christians, Pakistani Muslims, or indigenous Australians. You could add the recent Methodist conclave as another example.

"The progressive narrative has created, and is the process of enforcing, a new colonialism and, in a great irony, is enforcing it upon those it once championed. For so long the progressive side of politics accused the historical nations of the West of colonising ethnic minorities, but suddenly they've signed up to the agenda.

"And it's all come down to sex. The progressives have their own version of cultural assimilation - let's call it Sexular Colonialism....

"For Billy [Vinupola], for Israel [Folau], and for a host of other players in the spotlight, they've come to realise that their deep ethno-religious frameworks upon which they have built their lives have to bow down the idol of sexual identity. There is no option if they wish to continue in their employ.

"These other markers - ethno-religious -, for so long championed by the Left, are now being viewed as barriers to progress. And we know how the Left treats barriers to progress. There is a pecking order when it comes to identity, and race and religion sit squarely below sex. It must be quashed.

"Sexular Colonialism right there.

"Still not convinced? So a friend working in the public service in our home state tells me that after a long intense PD day on how to promote sexual diversity in his workplace, he approached the organisers and said that many people within the Australian indigenous community would have a problem with this. The response? 'Well they will just have to get on board.'

"Get on board. The bulk of the indigenous community who hold to traditional values in terms of marriage, will have to get on board the whitefella's agenda. Since when did that become anything but colonialism? If they don't get on board, they're gonna get run over."



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