Entries from BatesLine linkblog tagged with 'urban planning'

A New Pattern Language for Growing Regions

A New Pattern Language for Growing Regions An extension of the work done by Christopher Alexander and team to document successful urban design patterns in the 1970s, this wiki describes 80 patterns applicable to today's problems in urban design, such...

One man zoned huge swaths of our region for sprawl, cars, and exclusion - Greater Greater Washington

One man zoned huge swaths of our region for sprawl, cars, and exclusion - Greater Greater Washington Historical sketch of a planner who shaped zoning and urban design in St. Louis, the Metro Washington area, and many other cities. "On...

What Should I Read to Understand Zoning? - Market Urbanism

What Should I Read to Understand Zoning? - Market Urbanism Nolan Gray writes: "We are blessed and cursed to live in times in which most smart people are expected to have an opinion on zoning. Blessed, in that zoning is...

Why Walkable Streets are More Economically Productive -- Strong Towns

Why Walkable Streets are More Economically Productive -- Strong Towns "Visit the most thriving commercial district in any city -- the one full of shops and restaurants and people -- and I would bet that it's an area where walking...

Logic Mag: Model Metropolis

Logic Mag: Model Metropolis Kevin T. Baker writes: "In 1984, the developer Will Wright had just finished work on his first video game, a shoot-em-up called Raid on Bungeling Bay. In it, the player controls a helicopter dropping bombs on...

Surprising Approaches To Achieving Density -- Strong Towns

Surprising Approaches To Achieving Density -- Strong Towns Andrew Price writes: "I'm not anti-towers, but building up is not the only way to achieve density. Brickell [in Miami, Florida] achieves a population density of 27,302 people per square mile. In...

Making the Garden by Christopher Alexander | Articles | First Things

Making the Garden by Christopher Alexander | Articles | First Things The architect who developed a humane approach to architecture and city planning based on observed patterns of health and flourishing writes on the connection between an apprehension of God...

Nolli map as a tool for small developers | CNU

Nolli map as a tool for small developers | CNU "A Nolli Map is a two-dimensional plan drawing used to understand and document the accessibility and flow of space within a city. The first Nolli ever was drawn by the...

Enough With the 'Enough with Jane Jacobs' Already! | Planetizen: The independent resource for people passionate about planning and related fields

Enough With the 'Enough with Jane Jacobs' Already! | Planetizen: The independent resource for people passionate about planning and related fields Roberta Brandes Gratz shoots back at detractors of Jane Jacobs and citizen involvement in the planning process. "My favorite...

Jane Jacobs and the Death and Life of American Planning

Jane Jacobs and the Death and Life of American Planning Provocative comments from a professor of urban planning, but some of the best ideas are rebuttals in the comments: "...what does it say about our profession when a group of...

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