What Should I Read to Understand Zoning? - Market Urbanism

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What Should I Read to Understand Zoning? - Market Urbanism

Nolan Gray writes:

"We are blessed and cursed to live in times in which most smart people are expected to have an opinion on zoning. Blessed, in that zoning is arguably the single most important institution shaping where we live, how we move around, and who we meet. Cursed, in that zoning is notoriously obtuse, with zoning ordinances often cloaked in jargon, hidden away in PDFs, and completely different city-to-city.

"Given this unusual state of affairs, I'm often asked, 'What should I read to understand zoning?' To answer this question, I have put together a list of books for the zoning-curious."

Interesting list. I've read, and I recommend The Death and Life of Great American Cities. I'm intrigued by Zoned in the USA, Zoned American, and Land Use without Zoning. The blurb about The Zoning Game contains an important note: The zoning code and zoning map don't tell the whole story of how zoning is applied in your city.



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