Entries from BatesLine linkblog tagged with 'urban renewal'

The Pacific Electric Railway and Its History In The San Bernardino Valley

The Pacific Electric Railway and Its History In The San Bernardino Valley "For a railroad town, this spelled certain doom. San Bernardino no longer had its critical strategic importance as a transportation hub. It was no longer the "Gateway City."...

American Murder Mystery - The Atlantic

American Murder Mystery - The Atlantic Hannah Rosin, writing in 2008, about the impact of Section 8 housing subsidies on crime patterns. "According to FBI data, America's most dangerous spots are now places where Martin Scorsese would never think of...

A Look Into Leonard Nimoy's Time in Boston's West End | BDCWire

A Look Into Leonard Nimoy's Time in Boston's West End | BDCWire "Off of Cambridge Street downtown is the Charles River Plaza Shopping Center, a small complex in a compact area where medical workers from Mass General and residents of...

Logic Mag: Model Metropolis

Logic Mag: Model Metropolis Kevin T. Baker writes: "In 1984, the developer Will Wright had just finished work on his first video game, a shoot-em-up called Raid on Bungeling Bay. In it, the player controls a helicopter dropping bombs on...

Blight Inc. -- Indianapolis Star

Blight Inc. -- Indianapolis Star The sale of abandoned homes for just enough to pay the outstanding tax bill has created a perverse incentive for investors who buy these homes to walk away from them, abandoning them once again, and...

Enough With the 'Enough with Jane Jacobs' Already! | Planetizen: The independent resource for people passionate about planning and related fields

Enough With the 'Enough with Jane Jacobs' Already! | Planetizen: The independent resource for people passionate about planning and related fields Roberta Brandes Gratz shoots back at detractors of Jane Jacobs and citizen involvement in the planning process. "My favorite...

Jane Jacobs and the Death and Life of American Planning

Jane Jacobs and the Death and Life of American Planning Provocative comments from a professor of urban planning, but some of the best ideas are rebuttals in the comments: "...what does it say about our profession when a group of...

New Jersey City Council Tries to Use Eminent Domain on Property Owners, Gets Swept Out of Office | The Institute for Justice

New Jersey City Council Tries to Use Eminent Domain on Property Owners, Gets Swept Out of Office | The Institute for Justice "Michael Monaghan has wanted to develop his property on Main Street in Hackensack, New Jersey, just a few...

Tulsa's Kendall-Whittier Neighborhood Plans

Tulsa's Kendall-Whittier Neighborhood Plans Tulsa Development Authority: Kendall-Whittier Neighborhood Master Plan, May 1991 Tulsa Development Authority: Kendall-Whittier Neighborhood Urban Renewal Plan, as amended February 16, 2006, to expire on June 2, 2014....

Brighton Allston Historical Society: The Urban Renewal of Barry's Corner

Brighton Allston Historical Society: The Urban Renewal of Barry's Corner In the early 1960s, a 9.3 acre, 71-family Irish and Italian neighborhood on the northeast corner of N. Harvard St. and Western Ave. was declared blighted by the City of...

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