A Look Into Leonard Nimoy's Time in Boston's West End | BDCWire

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A Look Into Leonard Nimoy's Time in Boston's West End | BDCWire

"Off of Cambridge Street downtown is the Charles River Plaza Shopping Center, a small complex in a compact area where medical workers from Mass General and residents of Beacon Hill can park their cars and buy groceries at Whole Foods. What they might not know, however, is that the land they are walking on was once a bustling residential neighborhood, razed in the name of urban renewal, which displaced families and residents, including actor Leonard Nimoy, known most famously as the half-Vulcan, half-Human Mr. Spock, second-in-command of the U.S.S. Enterprise." The article is full of links to other stories and videos about Nimoy's Boston childhood. Nimoy also did a two-hour oral history interview with the Yiddish Book Center about his family and his neighborhood.


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