Education: February 2021 Archives

8.01x - MIT freshman physics lectures by Walter Lewin

Walter Lewin was for many years the lecture for the freshman physics courses at MIT, and recordings of his entertaining and enlightening lectures were provided with the MIT Open Courseware version of 8.01: Classical Mechanics. MIT deleted Lewin's lectures from the OCW website, but they live on on his own YouTube channel, which also has supplemental help sessions for 8.01x. The 8.01 videos are also available on the Internet Archive. (NOTE: I did not have entertaining Prof. Lewin as my freshman physics lecturer. I had boring Prof. Kleppner for the advanced Physics with Calculus track, and we used Prof. Kleppner's boring and expensive textbook. I survived, drowsed through many of the lectures, but wised up second semester and had a much better experience in 8.02: Electricity and Magnetism.)

How can I type macrons? - Latin Language Meta Stack Exchange

Macrons (long vowels) are used in Latin language instruction, but typing them using a standard English keyboard involves complicated Alt codes or point-and-click to select symbols. Here's a method that works surprisingly well: Add the Maori language pack, and switch to the Maori keyboard. To type a vowel with a macron, type the backtick (left single quote symbol, usually to the left of the 1 key), followed by the vowel. Easy: ĀĒĪŌŪāēīōū.

In HTML, you can use special HTML entity codes, e.g., ā to produce ā, Ē to produce Ē, etc.

More: HTML entities for UTF-8 Latin-1 Extended (Roman alphabet with diacritical marks)