How can I type macrons? - Latin Language Meta Stack Exchange

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How can I type macrons? - Latin Language Meta Stack Exchange

Macrons (long vowels) are used in Latin language instruction, but typing them using a standard English keyboard involves complicated Alt codes or point-and-click to select symbols. Here's a method that works surprisingly well: Add the Maori language pack, and switch to the Maori keyboard. To type a vowel with a macron, type the backtick (left single quote symbol, usually to the left of the 1 key), followed by the vowel. Easy: ĀĒĪŌŪāēīōū.

In HTML, you can use special HTML entity codes, e.g., ā to produce ā, Ē to produce Ē, etc.

More: HTML entities for UTF-8 Latin-1 Extended (Roman alphabet with diacritical marks)


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