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Correction to KOTV debate entry

CORRECTION: An earlier entry reported a phone call from the Mayor to Paul Wilson that came to KOTV during the debate intermission, based on an eyewitness acccount. I misunderstood the circumstances and KOTV anchor Scott Thompson's response as they were reported to me. Mr. Thompson e-mailed me with a correction. "Here, then, is the truth. A desk assistant entered the studio just as the President was finishing his address and said the Mayor was on the phone, asking to speak to Paul Wilson. I told our desk assistant that Paul would be unable to take the call, as the President was finishing-up and we were about to return to the air. Paul Wilson then told our desk assistant to have the Mayor speak to someone else in his entourage, who was watching the program from another room here at KOTV." I regret the misunderstanding.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 8, 2003 3:41 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Still nothing happening at the Ford Center.

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