
« The good old days at Tulsa Public Schools | Main | How to teach French without actually teaching it »

Wanted: Good school board candidates

If the previous entry got you riled up, if you believe that education ought to be about the development of understanding, knowledge, and judgment, and you want our local public schools to be engaged in that enterprise, you should consider running for school board. All too often school board races draw only one candidate, or an incumbent and a weaker opponent. Occasionally they draw no candidates at all. It's a shame because, in Tulsa, a school board term is four years long, and giving an incumbent a free pass means it will be a long time before there's another chance to replace him with a reform-minded board member. For the sake of public accountability, terms ought to be shorter, and all board members should be up for election at the same time.

In Oklahoma, school board filing period this year is December 1-3, but if you're going to make a serious run, you need to make a decision soon. Let me know if I can help.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 7, 2003 1:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The good old days at Tulsa Public Schools.

The next post in this blog is How to teach French without actually teaching it.

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