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The secret of Stonehenge

Fellow Okie blogger Bitweever links to an amazing account of a retired Flint, Michigan, carpenter who may have rediscovered the techniques that enabled to construction of large stone structures like Stonehenge and the pyramids. Extraterrestrials are not involved in the process.

W. T. Wallington's website has pictures and diagrams of the technique, and there's a six-minute video segment from Discovery Channel Canada showing him single-handedly standing a 19,200 pound concrete block.

In his own words:

I found that I, working alone, could easily move a 2400 lb. block 300 ft. per hour with little effort, and a 10,000 lb. block at 70 ft. per hour. I also stood two 8 ft. 2400 lb. blocks on end and placed another 2400 lb. block on top. This took about two hours per block. I found that one man, working by himself, without the use of wheels, rollers, pulleys, or any type of hoisting equipment could perform the task.

He and his son moved a 15-ton, 30' by 40' pole barn 200' using 40 manhours of labor. He has plans to test his technique as it might have been applied to the construction of the pyramids.

Erich von Däniken, phone your office.

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