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Bloggers' bash

Had a fun time last night at a bloggers' gathering at a very loud club called Fashion 40. Karol has full coverage, which I won't attempt to duplicate. Thanks to everyone for extending a warm welcome. You can't beat an evening with intelligent people who make words their avocation. (It would have been nice to hear more of the words over the music, and eventually I learned that shouting directly into someone's ear is considered acceptable, even polite.)

This place was trendy enough that very tall, well-dressed gentlemen screened people at the door. (Or maybe all clubs here are like that. How would I know?) Even though I'm a middle-aged nerd, I dropped Karol's name and I was in.

I would try to tell you about all the people I met last night, but the best way is to let them speak for themselves. Broaden your blog reading -- follow the link to Karol's entry, and follow the links to read what they have to say.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Bloggers' bash:

» Good God I'm So Old from The Young Curmudgeon
I went to two of the three events described here, but when I got to the place where the big party was, it was such a crazy Justin Timerblake blastin'/glazed-eyed pseudo-hookers and frat boys as far as the eye can [Read More]

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