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McDaniel prevails in HD 78 recount

Just got word that the House District 78 hand recount is complete, and Democrat Jeannie McDaniel remains the winner, by 24 votes. That represents a narrowing of the original margin of 34 votes. The changes resulted from ballots where too light a mark was missed by the scanners (particularly a problem with absentee ballots, which are marked with pencil rather than black ink), or where a stray mark was registered as an overvote. Condolences to Republican nominee David Schaffer, who ran a great race against a tough opponent -- I hope he'll give it another shot. To win reelection in two years McDaniel will have to demonstrate to this swing district that she can be effective despite being in the minority party. In this campaign she was able to soft-pedal her views on the issues, but in two years she'll have a voting record, and District 78 voters will be able to decide if her views reflect their own.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference McDaniel prevails in HD 78 recount:

» Along the paper trail from
Today the State Election Board will certify the election results, which means that any recounts have to be completed by today. And it appears there will be one: for State... [Read More]

» Along the paper trail from
Today the State Election Board will certify the election results, which means that any recounts have to be completed by today. And it appears there will be one: for State... [Read More]

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