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Sunday linkage

Iraq the Model celebrates Sunday's elections in Iraq.

(My understanding is that each Iraqi voter had to show photo ID and have his index finger stained with blue ink. Is there some reason we can't do that much to prevent election fraud here in Oklahoma?)

Karol of Alarming News links to a new blog called Save the GOP (which I've added to the blogroll). The blog calls itself "An Internet Home For Movement Conservatives" and the banner features photos of Ronald Reagan, Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, and former Pennsylvania Congressman Pat Toomey, which will give you an idea of their target audience.

Karol also participated in a blog symposium over at Right Wing News on blog ethics and the economic prospects of blogging.

John Butler tells us about his church's food ministry to the poor and the principles behind it. He also links to a great radio program on Radio Trent, one of the BBC's regional stations, featuring classic Motown and Northern Soul.

If you've been hearing about the "peak oil" problem, there's a good discussion about the gravity of the situation and its potential impact, over on the TulsaNow forums.

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