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On death row

The judge has denied all stays of execution, and it may be beyond the Governor's powers to grant clemency. Today at 1 p.m. Eastern time, the attorney of Terri Schiavo's estranged husband will order the removal of Terri's feeding tube and allow her to starve to death in a Clearwater, Florida, hospice.

There are still things that can be done to try to save her from that fate:

Here's what we need to do in order of priority:

1. Support (give and get readers to give) to place the [St. Petersburg Times] ad.
2. Email and telephone support HB701
3. Deluge Jeb Bush [Jeb Bush,, 850 / 488-4441, 850 / 487-0801 (fax)]
4. Deluge President Bush
5. Blog like crazy to keep the information circulating.

The purpose of the ad, which would go in Sunday's St. Petersburg Times, is to break through the mainstream media and get the attention of Tampa area residents to hear the facts about Terri's condition.

I'll be making some phone calls to Tallahassee in the morning to the governor and legislators. I hope you will, too.

And if you're still not sure if Terri ought to be allowed to live, if you still buy the idea that Terri is comatose or in a "persistent vegetative state," please click here and see for yourself.


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» BatesLine: On death row from Don Singleton
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Comments (5)

Please sign a petition to ask President Bush to save Terri Schiavo. Since the report in the Empire Journal saying that Judge Greer had issued a stay until after a hearing turned out to be untrue, a request to the President of the United States would seem to be "the last straw."

Since Terri proved that she wants to live by actually rising from her chair and standing for a few moments when an attorney told her that she would die if she didn't stand up, this is no time for her supporters to give up.

Please sign the petition at and give Terri what may be her last chance to live.

Also, please pass this on to 10 other bloggers and send to any lists you belong to. Time is running out.



Sorry, there is no realistic hope for recovery. See

The Second District's opinion in the first appeal in this case explains:

"By mid 1996, the CAT scans of her brain showed a severely abnormal structure. At this point, much of her cerebral cortex is simply gone and has been replaced by cerebral spinal fluid. Medicine cannot cure this condition. Unless an act of God, a true miracle, were to recreate her brain, Theresa will always remain in an unconscious, reflexive state, totally dependent upon others to feed her and care for her most private needs."

In a later opinion in the same case, the Second District further explained:

"Although the physicians are not in complete agreement concerning the extent of Mrs. Schiavo's brain damage, they all agree that the brain scans show extensive permanent damage to her brain. The only debate between the doctors is whether she has a small amount of isolated living tissue in her cerebral cortex or whether she has no living tissue in her cerebral cortex."

I hope and pray that if I am ever in a situation like Terri Schiavo, and if I have a loved one that understands I would not want to be kept alive in such a situation and is willing to let me go, that we will not find special interest groups and bloggers uniting to try to push for legislation or government action to force me to be maintained in such a terrible state and prevent me from going Home to be with Jesus.


But its murder by starvation. There is no living will. Just the husband's word for it. I hope if I'm trapped in a vegetive state there is someone to protect my life and not be starved to death. If God is ready to take me, He can, not the doctors.


Emergency Stay issued til tomorrow.
reported on drudge.

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